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Il Piero Nazionale (Un Topic Che Non Aveva Nulla Da Dire E Infatti Non Lo Disse)

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265 replies to this topic

#251 frankie teardrop

    The scars on my wrists may seem like a crime

  • Redattore OndaRock
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  • LocationPalma Campania (Napoli)

Inviato 24 novembre 2018 - 11:58


Visto l'up del thread segnalo, se non l'avete ancora letta, questa recente e straordinaria intervista su Captain Beefheart del nostro Frankie al Piero Nazionale. Un crossover che è una certezza.


Scaruffi Mask Replica (E già dal titolo...)


Higlights dell'incontro:


1) La disponibilità di Scaruffi


Francesco Nunziata: Ti piace la sua pittura?


Piero Scaruffi: La trovo brutta.


Francesco Nunziata: Ok, spiega!


Piero Scaruffi: Nessuna spiegazione.


Francesco Nunziata: Va bene, non insisto.






comunque, di solito è sempre molto disponibile... ma mi sa che in quel momento c'aveva "le sue cose"... 

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#252 Ganzfeld

    In un certo senso

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Inviato 24 novembre 2018 - 12:04

Visto l'up del thread segnalo, se non l'avete ancora letta, questa recente e straordinaria intervista su Captain Beefheart del nostro Frankie al Piero Nazionale. Un crossover che è una certezza.
Scaruffi Mask Replica (E già dal titolo...)
Higlights dell'incontro:
1) La disponibilità di Scaruffi
Francesco Nunziata: Ti piace la sua pittura?
Piero Scaruffi: La trovo brutta.
Francesco Nunziata: Ok, spiega!
Piero Scaruffi: Nessuna spiegazione.
Francesco Nunziata: Va bene, non insisto.

comunque, di solito è sempre molto disponibile... ma mi sa che in quel momento c'aveva "le sue cose"...
Sì, infatti mi aveva abbastanza stupito su quelle risposte a monosillabi.
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#253 bosforo


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Inviato 24 novembre 2018 - 12:45

Sempre più enorme
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#254 frankie teardrop

    The scars on my wrists may seem like a crime

  • Redattore OndaRock
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  • 22675 Messaggi:
  • LocationPalma Campania (Napoli)

Inviato 24 novembre 2018 - 14:17



Visto l'up del thread segnalo, se non l'avete ancora letta, questa recente e straordinaria intervista su Captain Beefheart del nostro Frankie al Piero Nazionale. Un crossover che è una certezza.
Scaruffi Mask Replica (E già dal titolo...)
Higlights dell'incontro:
1) La disponibilità di Scaruffi
Francesco Nunziata: Ti piace la sua pittura?
Piero Scaruffi: La trovo brutta.
Francesco Nunziata: Ok, spiega!
Piero Scaruffi: Nessuna spiegazione.
Francesco Nunziata: Va bene, non insisto.

comunque, di solito è sempre molto disponibile... ma mi sa che in quel momento c'aveva "le sue cose"...
Sì, infatti mi aveva abbastanza stupito su quelle risposte a monosillabi.



in fondo, lui è un puccettone  asd

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#255 tonysuper

    Classic Rocker

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Inviato 24 novembre 2018 - 14:41

Vivo in California, non negli Stati uniti sembra una risposta di Dervis Fontecedro.


Che gli somiglia pure e sta in California... mumble mumble...

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#256 Ganzfeld

    In un certo senso

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Inviato 15 aprile 2019 - 13:51

I primi dieci secondi :rotfl: E al quindicesimo, con riflessi da bradipo, si ripiglia da chissà quale sostanza dopo lo sbattere delle mani... sto già morendo e il video non è ancora iniziato.



PS: Da segnalare anche i commenti sotto al video.

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#257 Stephen

    Wannabe the Night Meister

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  • LocationLa Callaretta della Colla

Inviato 15 aprile 2019 - 13:54

La musichetta mi sa che era almeno 6,5 secondo Pierino. Ma come è vestito Pierone?

Comunque l'altro ha molti più problemi di Pieruccio: una giacca, almeno.

  • 0

E un passo di quella danza era costituito dal tocco più leggero che si potesse immaginare sull'interruttore, quel tanto che bastava a cambiare...

... adesso

e la sua voce il grido di un uccello


3Jane che rispondeva con una canzone, tre

note, alte e pure.

Un vero nome.

#258 Infinite dest

    dolente o nolente

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Inviato 15 aprile 2019 - 14:32

non per difendere piero, ma se ti fanno una domanda stupida è abbastanza difficile rispondere seriamente senza sembrare paradossale o sprezzante 

  • 0

 mi ricorda un po' Moro.





Con trepidazione vivo solo le partite dell'Inter.




Io non rispondo a fondo perchè non voglio farmi bannare, però una cosa voglio dirla: voi grillini siete il punto più basso mai raggiunto dal genere umano. Di stupidi ne abbiamo avuti, non siete i primi. Di criminali anche. Voi siete la più bassa sintesi tra violenza e stupidità. Dovete semplicemente cessare di esistere, come partito (e qui non ci si metterà molto) e come topi di fogna (e qui sarà un po' più lunga, ma cristo se la pagherete cara).



#259 Max Stirner


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Inviato 16 aprile 2019 - 05:55

L'intervistatore è da prenderlo a legnate
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"Ho abituato i miei occhi al sangue." Georg Büchner

"Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius"

#260 Ganzfeld

    In un certo senso

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Inviato 12 marzo 2020 - 10:07

E anche quest'anno ho beccato una perla di dimensioni clamorose.

Famous Homosexual People


Note (for polemic-oriented readers): i have friends who are gay, some of the smartest people are gay. This article has nothing to do with tolerating or not tolerating homosexuals. If a powerful lobby of the Italian soccer team claimed (over and over again) that Socrates was an Italian soccer player, i would write a similar page to warn the public against such a distortion of the record. Socrates was a proud Greek and would have resented being called a foreigner, and he was a philosopher not a soccer player (a fact).


The homosexual lobbies are so powerful in the USA that they are even distorting history to prove their points. Sometimes i feel there is an odd conspiracy theory not only to prove that homosexuality is "natural" (which is weird enough for anybody who has a biological definition of "natural") but even that everybody should become gay.

I found lists that include the following in the "gay" cathegory: Alexander the Great, Socrates, Julius Caesar and countless Roman emperors, Saladin and Suleyman, countless great writers, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci, countless kings and emperors of Europe. (Can these gay propagandists name anyone who was *not* gay?)

I let people be what they want, but i do get upset when people try and rewrite history based on what they want to prove, not on what the record shows, and in the process they gladly insult people who died centuries ago and that most likely would have greatly resented being included in such lists. I also resent that the truth is often told in biased and misguided way: give the whole context.

I really think we should modify the law so that one can be sued for defaming not only living people but also the memory and reputation of people who died centuries ago. It is free and even fun to attribute all sorts of imaginary or at best speculative habits to people who cannot defend themselves in a court of law. Why write that Leonardo was gay, when there is absolutely no proof of it? Why not just write "my personal opinion is that Leonardo may have been gay?" Why write a long list of "Famous Gay People" instead of a very long list of "People Whom at Some Point Someone Suspected of Being Gay but There is Not Evidence They Were"? Because, unfortunately, you don't go to jail for doing that. In fact, you even get millions of readers (you probably got to this page because you were looking for famous gay people).

Of the vast majority of the people usually listed as "gays" we know too little to know for sure what their sexual habits were. The very fact that they did *not* publicize a homosexual relationship (if they ever had one) should the fact to keep in mind.

There are cases in which a homosexual relationship is well documented, but the gay lobbies and their fans routinely omit important details. For example, it is true that many Roman and Greek men had sexual relationships with other men, but why stop there and not be more precise: they were usually boys, not grown ups. Middle-aged men would take a teenage boy as a "companion" and in some cases this escalated to a (documented or suspected) sexual relationship. There were extremely rare cases of a man living with a man. Almost all the cases from ancient history that one can name are of middle-aged men having sex (of being suspected of having sex) with very young boys.

It is true that in Sparta young boys were encouraged to have sex with other boys. But why stop there? Why not tell the whole story, starting with the fact that Sparta was a horrible place that very few of us would want to live in, and why not explain the reason of that homosexual relationship: Sparta was so obsessed with creating the perfect soldier that they thought creating homosexual relationships increased the chances that one soldier would be willing to die for another. Basically, they were using sex to create weapons of mass destruction. If you think that it would be a good idea to program your child so that s/he will be willing to die for someone else in the interest of a brutal dictatorship, that's a model to look at.

Needless to say, the same lobbies carefully omit any mention of the countless "moralists" in the Roman senate and in the Greek cities who condemned these habits as a danger to society (way more people than the ones usually listed as gays or, better, suspected gays). Countless Roman orators predicted the decline and fall of the Roman empire based on the "decadence" of the elite. And by "decadence" they did not mean a compliment. The gay lobbies rarely mention the many documented cases of people sentenced for homosexuality (a sign that those societies were not pro-gay at all).

Incidentally, none of those societies (not even Sparta) ever recognized "gay marriage".

It is also contradictory that only homosexuality is brought up. Incest was commonly practiced in all ancient societies, and even in quite developed ones like Egypt. Polygamy (or, better, the extended family) is indeed "natural" for primates, and was practiced in all societies until the West decided it was bad and the Christian colonial powers slowly eradicated it from the rest of the world (well, almost, because it is still practiced in many places). Sex with underage girls was practiced everywhere until very recently, and it is biologically "natural". In fact, many of the most famous women until relatively recent times got married at very young ages (Helen of Troy was probably 12, Juliet of Romeo's fame was 14). And countless very important men of the past married wives who were much younger than them. Gay lobbies limit their historical "evidence" to famous gay people, but it would be more honest to add that many other sexual practices that are banned today, from sex with a minor to polygamy to incest, used to be more widespread and more widely accepted all over the world than homosexuality: if gay marriage should be legalized, then why not polygamy*, incest and sex with underage girls?

Personally, i think that banning polygamy is a ridiculous idea (i have not found a single study that shows any problem with an extended family raising children, whereas i found plenty of studies showing problems with single parents raising children), and i fail to see why a 17-year old can have sex with a 14-year old but a 19-year old goes to jail for the same act (and, for that matter, i would be much unhappier if my underage daughter or sister had sex with a teenage junkie than with a mature, responsible, clean and honest 30-year old man, or with a 70-year old Nobel Prize winner).

I actually have nothing against societies that enforce a strict sexual code. I think there was a high degree of consistency and rationality in the Victorian society, that only allowed sex among married man-woman couples. I think there is a high degree of consistency in traditional Muslim and Hindu societies. These societies are consistent, and i would not argue against the logic of their sexual dogmas (except if they are used to infringe on human rights such as women's rights).

When gay advocates blow homosexuality out of proportion, i do feel that a) ancient people are being insulted; b) young people are being brainwashed; c) a comic degree of inconsistency is introduced in modern society. All of which are worth discussing. It might be that the majority of people will still vote in favor of a strong pro-gay bias, but at least they should be informed and not disinformed.

That said, when i discuss societies in which homosexuals are persecuted (which includes the Western societies until the 1970s) i take the opposite side. Both extremes are forms of fundamentalism and likely to cause more problems than solutions.



*Questa gliela appoggio in pieno.

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#261 bosforo


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Inviato 12 marzo 2020 - 12:09

Scaruffi 1 - Cancel culture 0
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#262 paloz


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Inviato 12 marzo 2020 - 12:17

Ma chiedo seriamente, ignoranza mia: di cosa campa quest'uomo? Insegna? Elargisce perle di saggezza a fronte di ampi cachet?

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I have spoken softly, gone my ways softly, all my days, as behoves one who has nothing to say, nowhere to go, and so nothing to gain by being seen or heard.


(Samuel Beckett, Malone Dies)

#263 Fox la testa parlante

    Mr. Alphabet says

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Inviato 12 marzo 2020 - 12:22

Manca però il fondale interrogativo su quanto fossero effettivamente omosessuali i Maya.

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"Give me all your money just to cover you
Cover you in honey"


(Don't be afraid

There's no marmalade)

#264 bosforo


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Inviato 12 marzo 2020 - 12:23

Qui il suo cv

To leverage a lifetime of research in the sciences, the arts, the computer industry, as well as on my passion for history, and find innovative interdisciplinary ways to train the future generations of the digital age.
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#265 Ganzfeld

    In un certo senso

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Inviato 12 marzo 2020 - 12:30

Qui il suo cv

To leverage a lifetime of research in the sciences, the arts, the computer industry, as well as on my passion for history, and find innovative interdisciplinary ways to train the future generations of the digital age.

Articolo da integrare con quello della critica di Scaruffi alla sua biografia sulla Wiki italiana.

  • La frase "Una delle sue citazioni piu` bizzarre riguarda i Beatles" sarebbe meno faziosa e piu` corretta scritta cosi` "Una delle sue frasi piu` citate riguarda i Beatles" (Abbiamo capito che l'autore di questo articolo e` un fan dei Beatles). :wub:

Pagina di Wikipedia che ha probabilmente segnato così nel profondo il Nostro da ispirare, vendicativamente, la scrittura di questo: https://www.scaruffi...s/wikipedi.html

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#266 Connacht


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  • LocationWhere I end and you begin

Inviato 24 aprile 2020 - 14:14

Cameron then wasted his talent on two sequels, Rambo - First Blood Part II (1985) and, more notably, Aliens (1986), the sequel to Ridley Scott's Alien (1979). The connection between the two movies can be seen in the ending of the latter, where Ripley suddenly transforms into a fearless Rambo in one of the most ridiculous, tedious, endings in Hollywood history. Alies is overlong and fundamentally devoid of suspense because every single catastrophic scene is so easily predictable.


  • -1

You're an island of tranquillity in a sea of chaos. :.::




The sun is far away
It goes in circles
Someone dies
Someone lives
In pain
It is burning
Into the thin air
Of the nature
Of a culture
On the dark side
Under the moon

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